VecorartPro Online Order Allocation and Maintenance

VecorartPro Online Order Allocation and Maintenance system


                         Vectorartpro is an online order Allocation and Maintenance System for an Designing Firm. This is an web application and can be hosted and can be use throughout the world. Each web Application have both user panel and admin panel. Most of us don’t know the admin panel. We are just using all the web application like social network and file sharing and email in user panel side. There is always an admin panel( The person who maintains the web Application ). Here The user can register and will have an account , make design orders in online. Admin can get order details and implement the designs manually and deliver through the application. This project involves in payment gateway to pay the payment of the order.

This Project having following modules:


User Panel:


Registration ,Account Activation , Login and Forgot Password

Users get register themselves and get activation email. Once activated only they can allow to login in the application and they can get forgot password email if they forgot.

Account Settings


Once logged in into application, they can change their account settings like email id and address and contact numbers etc.


Order Management

   New Order

They can make new order. In this new order they need to provide the file name and details of an order. If they like to give a sample design to show how to design also they can upload n number of images. Both admin and user can download this files too.

Requested Orders

Once order will come under requested order category.

Form this they can track the order details like order details they provided while making order and also admin uploaded same files after workout manually and also they can download here once pay the payment.


Completed Orders

Once they paid the payment and admin modified the order as completed it will come under this category to check their completed order details.

Backup Past  order Files

If the user (members) like to take past 6 months order details as backup. They can download the files.

Cron job – Delete the past 6 months from the server itself.

In server.Due to many files it will get heavy load so each day past  months orders files get deleted.




Admin Panel:

Here we are implementing like CMS (content Management System ).Admin can Manage most of the modules of the Application himself

Login and Forgot Password


Admin can login and also if he forgot the password. They password remainder mail will send to his email id.

Member Management

Add Member

For the existing customers.admin can make an account himself. Once account created the email was sent to each customers. So that they can activate and login to application as we explained in user panel


Manage Members

Admin have rights to block and activate the members and view and edit and delete the member informations.



Order Management

New orders

Once user made order. The admin get email like new order received with order details. That orders are getting displayed under this menu. So admin can see the order details like customer name and order name like that. He can make call to them manually  and confirm.once confirmed he will make this order as “ongoing orders”.


Ongoing Orders


Once the order made as ongoing, they will process the design manually in printing machine. Once completed the admin will upload sample file (0 $ price)  and payment order with payment price.

Then the user will get mail like “ work completed on your order with order number” so they can login to their account and check the order.

If the order is sample they can download the files instantly.if the order is payment. They need to pay via paypal.we have test account .so we can check the order payment dummy $.


Completed Orders


So once the user paid the payment. The admin will get email .so he can verify and make order status as “completed”. Once changed the order detail is change as completed on user side also.


Testimonial Management

At Applcaiton Home page  the company can post past customers feedbacks,

They can add new testimonials and edit and delete.

So that these testimaonais are displayed in home page of user panel.


Company Details Management

The company can have n number of details about their history. So they can add and delete and edit. This will display in home page of user panel.


 Services Details Management.

The company can have n number of details about their services like color design and black and white design like that. So they can add and delete and edit. This will display in home page of user panel.

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