Pre-paid Remote Energy Meter monitoring and Overvoltage Protection through Electricity using GSM Network

Pre-paid Remote Energy Meter monitoring and Overvoltage Protection through Electricity using GSM Network


 The aim of this paper is to develop a billing solution for energy consumption just like pre-paid taxi, mobile phone, petro card etc. The major drawback by using post paid system is there is no control of usage from the consumer’s side and lot of wastage of power due to the consumer’s lack of planning in electrical consumption. Since the supply of power is limited, there is a need to utilize electricity in efficient way. To overcome this, we are using pre-paid energy meter billing which deals with GSM for domestic power billing and transaction. In this project GSM technology is used for reading power consumption and updating the consumed units and available units at consumer point. In this the current is measured through an analog sensing circuit. The output of the sensing circuit is given to a combination of analog and digital circuitry whose output is given to the micro controller. The total number of units consumed is displayed on ARM9. By using GSM we can also recharge the units required, and complete the units till power gets disconnect. At the same time consumer will receive message if the units come to end.


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