Online Monitoring of Green House Gas Leakage in Industries

Online Monitoring of Green House Gas Leakage in Industries


In recent years, there are so many industries emitting the green house gases (GHG) which affect the human beings. The most harmful gases among all of them are CO2, methane gas, NO2, etc. So it is necessary to monitor these gases that leaks from industries through online. This system is developed to monitor the green house gas leakage such as CO2, NO2, humidity and temperature from industries by its corresponding sensors interfaced with the ARM7 controller. LM35 temperature sensor is used. LED is used to indicate the emission level. LCD is used to display the constituents of gases and temperature. Relay is used to shut down the power supply for industries. GSM is used to communicate with the server to convey the emission level. Virtual terminal is connected with the controller in the simulation output. The system is user friendly.


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