Variable-Form Carrier-Based PWM for Boost-Voltage Motor Driver With a Charge-Pump Circuit

Variable-Form Carrier-Based PWM for Boost-Voltage Motor Driver With a Charge-Pump Circuit


A boost-voltage motor driver with a charge pump (CP) circuit has higher efficiency than the conventional boost-voltage motor driver with a chopper circuit. This paper presents a variable-form carrier-based (VFCB) pulsewidth modulation (PWM) technique for the driver with the CP circuit. This technique has two triangular carriers and a variable-form carrier that is dependent on the voltage command signals. The technique is compared with the space vector modulation (SVM) technique in terms of the number of switching cycles, harmonics in the output voltage, linear modulation range, input power to the CP capacitor, processing time, and efficiency. The VFCB PWM technique is confirmed to operate the driver with the CP circuit at the same performance level as the SVM technique, with shortened processing time.


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