T Shirt dress purchase project for online application

T- Shirt purchase project for online application


Recently all the user can interest for buying the project through online. Because of multiple colors and multiple companies in an around the world wide. All the dress purchasing is possible in online request to vendors and other agents. But for T- Shirt too difficult to select from online due to cost of dress, availability in user time request & specifically size of user constraints etc., So we develop a separate T- Shirt purchasing software online product for user recommendations. Here lot of T- Shirt dress categories will list like men or women. Then models like south indian, North indian, separate cultural dress for respective state of india and other countries. We can select the interested dress from online once after the user registration completed with user name and password. After order confirmation we can tract the dress dispatching from vendors to user. We can summarize the all details regarding wedding dress purchasing like printing, billing expantion etc..,

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