Subregister Office Employee Allocatement Work

Sub register office


The main aim of this software is to maintain the sub register office records systematically. Record maintenance in sub register office is difficult and long process too. So we decide to do our project on “sub register office records”. This product software consists of

  • Admin module
  • Employee module

In admin module, admin can register the employees and he/she have to send the password and username to the registered employee. By use that username and password the employee can login into the session and they can see the records like land survey and register marriage records and admin will maintain a security key for each and every records and the security key is forwarded to the employee with the work allotment.

In this software, records are created (i.e excel sheets) are generated through the input box, finally the generated excel sheet is uploaded to the server. Data mining algorithm concept is used in this product software.

Employee module is used by the employees in the sub register office. Employee can login into their session by using the username and password from the admin and by using the security key they can access the excel sheets.(i.e by using that security key they can download the file).After the work completion employee have to update the excel sheet in to the server.(i.e upload the completed sheet).Both uploading and downloading concepts are used in this product.

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