The Significance of Real-time, Biomedical and Satellite Image Processing in Understanding the Objects & Application to Computer Vision
The Significance of Real-time, Biomedical and Satellite Image Processing in Understanding the Objects & Application to Computer Vision
The Computer Vision is a broader and hottest area of Digital Image Processing with lot of past, ongoing and future research to accomplish the mission of providing visual sense to computers as like human visual system in understanding, processing, classifying, manipulating, and recalling images based on their category. This Paper focus on providing a clear route map in describing the importance of understanding Biomedical, satellite and Real-time photographic Images in application to Computer Vision. The aim of the current research is to Proposes a detailed study on techniques and algorithms proposed by previous researchers and to derive a best and hybrid method that can process all the different category of images and manipulate them for computers to understand the objects clearly as like humans do with the help of supervised/unsupervised algorithms by applying AI techniques.
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