Sevice Billing Maintance



The client uses MS Excel, and maintains their product list, customer list,and payment proces and prints the invoice, however it is not possible them to share the data from multiple system in multi user environment, there is lot of duplicate work, and chance of mistake.admin sid add the material service items like battery,ram,monitor ect… Web Service solution that enables web users to receive the service over the Internet quickly and easily. Customers have a secure, personalized way to review service issues, check request service status through the mail and sms.  .NET service to eliminate hardware and maintenance costs.payment mode generated from add to card payment this way customer will pay their amount using one time password via..paid sms or mail delivered from admin or customer email sms service..
Modules Description


Admin module is used to maintain all the customer detail and customer purchase product detail. This process make admin to quickly view all the customer who are all purchasing item in the company. By maintaining this detail admin can give the customer request service in very quickly.


First process in this module to the customer is registration in online to give the service request to the company. Once customer finished registration process means next process login.Login page is continue only if the customer entered username and password is valid only. If username and password is valid means customer can view the entire purchase item. By seeing the purchase detail customer can easily send the service detail to their repaired product to the admin.

Payment Mode

This module is process in the user side.user purchase the items from admin site.and then they will pay the amount using add to card  mode..automatic sms or mail status send to admin for status verification


In this module admin maintain all the customer detail and product detail and service detail.





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