Smart Voting

Automatic movable railway platform with train arrival detection and monitoring over internet of things (IoT) Technical Specifications:   Title of the project                  :         Automatic movable railway platform with train arrival detection and monitoring over internet of things (IoT) Domain                                   :         Embedded Systems Design Power Supply                          :         +9V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply Microcontroller                       :           LPC2148/AT89S52 Software                                 […]

PROFILR Toward Preserving Privacy and Functionality in Geosocial Networks

PROFILR: Toward Preserving Privacy and Functionality in Geosocial Networks Profit is the main participation incentive for social network providers. Its reliance on user profiles, built from a wealth of voluntarily revealed personal information, exposes users to a variety of privacyvulnerabilities. In this paper, we propose to take first steps toward addressing the conflict between profit and privacy in geosocial networks. We introduce PROFILR, a framework […]