Intelligent pillbox Automatic and programmable Assistive Technology device

Building smart cities: Automatic gas cylinder booking over IoT   Technical Specifications: Title of the project                  :        Building smart cities: Automatic gas cylinder booking over IoT Domain                                   :           Embedded Systems Software                                 :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52 Power Supply                          :           5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply Crystal                                     :           11.0592MHz Communication device           […]

Design of a solar power Electronic Voting Machine

Breath And Lungs Health With Respiratory Analyzer Over Internet Of Things(IOT) Technical Specifications: Title of the project                  :           Breath And Lungs Health With Respiratory Analyser Over Internet Of Things(IOT) Domain                                   :           Biomedical, Embedded Systems Software                                 :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload Microcontroller                       :           MCU 8051 Power Supply                          :           5V, 500mA Regulated Power […]