SOS A Distributed Mobile Q&A System Based on Social Networks

SOS: A Distributed Mobile Q&A System Based on Social Networks Recently, emerging research efforts have been focused on question and answer (Q\\\&;amp; A)systems based on social networks. The social-based Q\\\&;amp; A systems can answer non-factual questions, which cannot be easily resolved by web search engines. These systems either rely on a centralized server for identifying friends based on social information or broadcast a user’s questions to all of its […]

Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search

Supporting Privacy Protection in Personalized Web Search Personalized web search (PWS) has demonstrated its effectiveness in improving the quality of varioussearch services on the Internet. However, evidences show that users’ reluctance to disclose their private information during search has become a major barrier for the wide proliferation of PWS. We study privacy protection in PWS applications that model user preferences as hierarchical user profiles. […]