Electronic Visits in Primary Care Modeling, Analysis, and Scheduling Policies

Smart cities: Traffic data monitoring over IoT for easy transportation/alternative route selection   Technical Specifications:   Title     :  Smart cities: Traffic data monitoring over IoT for easy transportation/alternative route selection Domain                                               :           Embedded Systems Microcontroller                                   :           AT89S52 Communication                                   :           IR (Tx,Rx) Wi-Fi module                                      :           ESP8266 Software                                             :           Embedded C, Keil software […]

Multiple motion control system of robotic car based on IoT to produce cloud service

PV solar panel grid and battery voltage monitoring over IoT   Technical Specifications: Title of the project                  :           PV solar panel grid and battery voltage monitoring over IoT Domain                                   :           Renewable Energy Management, Embedded Systems Source                                     :           Solar Panel Software                                 :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52 Display                                    :           LCD ADC0808                               :           1 […]