RFID-Based Attendance Management System

 Visitor counter for museums and data posting to IoT   TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS   Title                                         :           Visitor counter for museums and data posting to IoT Domain                                   :           Embedded Systems Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52 Sensors                                    :           IR pair Display                                    :           16 * 2 LCD Power Supply                          :           5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply Communication […]

Top-k Query Result Completeness Verification in Tiered Sensor Networks

Top-k Query Result Completeness Verification in Tiered Sensor  Networks Storage nodes are expected to be placed as an intermediate tier of large scale sensor networks for caching the collected sensor readings and responding to queries with benefits of power and storage saving for ordinary sensors. Nevertheless, an important issue is that the compromised storage node may not only cause the privacy problem, but […]