Non invasive Blood Pressure Remote Monitoring in cloud over internet of things

Non Invasive blood pressure remote monitoring over internet of Things(IOT)  Abstract: With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smartphones, sensors, cameras. It is possible to collect massive amount of data for localization and tracking of Health of the patient. This project describes the design of a simple, low-cost controller based patient […]

Movable road divider for organized vehicular traffic control with monitoring over internet of things (IoT)

Movable Road Divider For Organized Vehicular Traffic Control With Monitoring Over Internet Of Things (IOT)     Technical specification Title                             :           Movable Road Divider For Organized Vehicular Traffic Control With Monitoring Over Internet Of Things (IOT) Domain                       :           Embedded Systems Communication           :           IOT Module Controller                    :           AT89S52 Crystal                         :           12MHz Motors                         :           DC Motors Sensors                        […]