Programmable temperature monitor and controller for industrial boilers & ovens with live monitoring in cloud over internet of things

PROGRAMMABLE TEMPERATURE MONITOR AND CONTROLLER FOR INDUSTRIAL BOILER & OVENS USING IOT   TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS:   Title of the project                  :           Programmable temperature monitor and controller for industrial boiler and ovens using IOT. Domain                                   :           Embedded Systems Design Software                                 :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload   Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52 Power Supply                          :           +5V, 500mA Regulated Power […]

Power quality, continuity and load monitoring in cloud over IoT

Power quality, continuity and load monitoring over IoT   Technical specifications   Project title                              :           Power quality, continuity and load monitoring over IoT Domain                                   :           Embedded Systems Design Software                                 :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52 Power Supply                          :           +5V, 500mA Regulated Power Supply Display                                    :           LCD LCD                                        :           HD44780 16-character, 2-line (16X2) […]