Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction in BLDC Motor Using Modified SEPIC Converter and Three-level NPC Inverter

Commutation Torque Ripple Reduction in BLDC Motor Using Modified SEPIC Converter and Three-level NPC Inverter Abstract: This paper presents a new power converter topology to suppress the torque ripple due to the phase current commutation of a brushless dc motor (BLDCM) drive system. A combination of a three-level diode clamped multilevel inverter (3-level DCMLI), a […]

Improving Web Navigation Usability by Comparing Actual and Anticipated Usage

Improving Web Navigation Usability by Comparing Actual and Anticipated Usage Abstract: We present a new method to identify navigation-related Web usability problems based on comparing actual and anticipated usage patterns. The actual usage patterns can be extracted from Web server logs routinely recorded for operational websites by first processing the log data to identify users, […]