How Long to Wait Predicting Bus Arrival Time with Mobile Phone

How Long to Wait? Predicting Bus Arrival Time with Mobile  Phone Based Participatory Sensing The bus arrival time is primary information to most city transport travelers. Excessively long waitingtime at bus stops often discourages the travelers and makes them reluctant to take buses. In this paper, we present a bus arrival time prediction system based on bus passengers’ participatory sensing. With commodity mobile phones, the bus passengers’ surrounding environmental context is effectively collected and utilized to estimate the bus traveling routes and predict bus arrival time at various busstops. The proposed system […]

MOSES Supporting and Enforcing Security Profiles on Smartphones

MOSES: Supporting and Enforcing Security Profiles on  Smartphones Smartphones are very effective tools for increasing the productivity of business users. With their increasing computational power and storage capacity, smartphones allow end users to perform several tasks and be always updated while on the move. Companies are willing to support employee-ownedsmartphones because of the increase in productivity of their employees. However, security concerns about […]