Analysis of DC-Link Operation Voltage of a Hybrid Railway Power Quality Conditioner and Its PQ Compensation Capability in High-Speed Cophase Traction Power Supply

Analysis of DC-Link Operation Voltage of a Hybrid Railway Power Quality Conditioner and Its PQ Compensation Capability in High-Speed Cophase Traction Power Supply Abstract: Hybrid Railway Power Quality Conditioner (HPQC) is newly proposed for its effective reduction in dc-link operation voltage while providing similar power quality compensation in cophase traction power supply compared to conventional […]

A Novel Ten-Switch Topology for Unified Power Quality Conditioner

A Novel Ten-Switch Topology for Unified Power Quality Conditioner Abstract: This paper proposes a new topological configuration for a unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). Generally, the power structure of the three-phase three-wire UPQC consists of two back-to-back connected six-switch inverters. For this configuration, out of 12 switches, six of the series inverter switches will be […]