Design and Evaluation of Isolated Gate Driver Power Supply for Medium Voltage Converter Applications

Design and evaluation of isolated gate driver power supply for medium voltage converter applications Abstract: The commercial gate drivers are available upto 6.5 kV IGBTs. With the advances in the SiC, power devices rated beyond 10 kV are being researched. These devices will have use on medium voltage power converters. Commercial gate drivers rated for […]

Control strategy for Single-phase Transformerless Three-leg Unified Power Quality Conditioner Based on Space Vector Modulation

Control Strategy for Single-Phase Transformerless Three-Leg Unified Power Quality Conditioner Based on Space Vector Modulation  Abstract: The unified power quality conditioner (UPQC) is known as an effective compensation device to improve PQ for sensitive end-users. This paper investigates the operation and control of a single-phase three-leg UPQC (TL-UPQC), where a novel space vector modulation method […]