A Single-Phase Buck-Boost Matrix Converter with Only Six Switches and Without Commutation Problem

A Single-Phase Buck-Boost Matrix Converter with Only Six Switches and Without Commutation Problem Abstract: In this paper, a single-phase buck-boost matrix converter is proposed which can both buck and boost the input voltage with step-changed frequency. It consists of only six unidirectional current flowing bidirectional voltage blocking switches, two input and output filter capacitors, and one […]

DC-Link Stability Analysis and Controller Design for the Stacked Poly phase Bridges Converter

DC-Link Stability Analysis and Controller Design for the Stacked Polyphase Bridges Converter Abstract: The stacked polyphase bridges (SPB) converter consists of several submodules that all are connected in series to a voltage source. The total dc-link voltage should split in a balanced way among the submodules. This does not always occur inherently. This paper presents […]