Android Application for Question Bank Management System

Android application for question bank management system     Abstract   Android is the first complete, open and free mobile platform. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, a group of more than 30 technology and mobile companies. It is supported by Google and this project uses a Google Android Mobile SDK 1.0 for […]

Improving Loading and Unloading Transient Response of a Voltage Regulator Module Using a Load-Side Auxiliary Gyrator Circuit

Improving Loading and Unloading Transient Response of a Voltage Regulator Module Using a Load-Side Auxiliary Gyrator Circuit Abstract: This paper introduces a new voltage regulator module (VRM) that merges a highly efficient switchedinductor converter as the main unit with a load-side switched-capacitor based converter to assist during load transient events. The resulting hybrid-VRM exhibits improved […]