Self-Sustainable Communications With RF Energy Harvesting Ginibre Point Process Modeling and Analysis
Self-Sustainable Communications With RF Energy Harvesting: Ginibre Point Process Modeling and Analysis
RF-enabled wireless power transfer and energy harvesting has recently emerged as a promising technique to provision perpetual energy replenishment for low-power wireless networks. The network devices are replenished by the RF energy harvested from the transmission of ambient RF transmitters, which offers a practical and promising solution to enable self-sustainable communications. This paper adopts a stochastic geometry framework based on the Ginibre model to analyze the performance ofself-sustainable communications over cellular networks with general fading channels. Specifically, we consider the point-to-point downlink transmission between an access point and a battery-free device in the cellular networks, where the ambient RF transmitters are randomly distributed following a repulsivepoint process, called Ginibre α-determinantal point process (DPP). Two practical RF energy harvestingreceiver architectures, namely time-switching and power-splitting, are investigated. We perform an analytical study on the RF-powered device and derive the expectation of the RF energy harvesting rate, the energy outage probability and the transmission outage probability over Nakagami-m fading channels. These are expressed in terms of so-called Fredholm determinants, which we compute efficiently with modern techniques from numerical analysis. Our analytical results are corroborated by the numerical simulations, and the efficiency of our approximations is demonstrated. In practice, the accurate simulation of any of the Fredholm determinant appearing in the manuscript is a matter of seconds. An interesting finding is that a smaller value of α (corresponding to larger repulsion) yields a better transmission outage performance when the density of the ambient RF transmitters is small. However, it yields a lower transmission outage probability when the density of the ambient RFtransmitters is large. We also show analytically that the power-splitting architecture outperfor- s the time-switching architecture in terms of transmission outage performances. Lastly, our analysis provides guidelines for setting the time-switching and power-splitting coefficients at their optimal values
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