Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) have been highly vulnerable to attacks due to the dynamic nature of its network infrastructure. Among these attacks, routing attacks have received considerable attention since it could cause the most devastating damage to MANET. Even though there exist several intrusion response techniques to mitigate such critical attacks, existing solutions typically attempt to isolate malicious nodes based on binary or native fuzzy response decisions. However, binary responses may result in the unexpected network partition, causing additional damages to the network infrastructure, and native fuzzy responses could lead to uncertainty in countering routing attacks in MANET. we propose a risk-aware response mechanism to systematically cope with the identified routing attacks. Our risk-aware approach is based on an extended Dempster-Shafer mathematical theory of evidence introducing a notion of importance factors. In addition, our experiments demonstrate the effectiveness of our approach with the consideration of several performance metrics.
Existing System:
Mobile Ad hoc Networks (MANET) are utilized to set up wireless communication in improvised environments without a predefined infrastructure or centralized administration. Therefore, MANET has been normally deployed in adverse and hostile environments where central authority point is not necessary.
Another unique characteristic of MANET is the dynamic nature of its network topology which would be frequently changed due to the unpredictable mobility of nodes. Furthermore, each mobile node in MANET plays a router role while transmitting data over the network.
Hence, any compromised nodes under an adversary’s control could cause significant damage to the functionality and security of its network since the impact would propagate in performing routing tasks.
Proposed System:
We propose a risk-aware response mechanism to systematically cope with routing attacks in MANET, proposing an adaptive time-wise isolation method. Our risk-aware approach is based on the extended D-S evidence model. In order to evaluate our mechanism, we perform a series of simulated experiments with a proactive MANET routing protocol, Optimized Link State Routing Protocol (OLSR) [12]. In addition, we attempt to demonstrate the effectiveness of our solution. The major contributions of this project are summarized as follows:
. We formally propose an extended D-S evidence model with importance factors and articulate expected properties for Dempster’s rule of combination with importance factors (DRCIF). Our Dempster’s rule of combination with importance factors is nonassociative and weighted, which has not been addressed in the literature.
. We propose an adaptive risk-aware response mechanism with the extended D-S evidence model, considering damages caused by both attacks and countermeasures. The adaptiveness of our mechanism allows us to systematically cope with MANET routing attacks.
. We evaluate our response mechanism against representative attack scenarios and experiments.
Our results clearly demonstrate the effectiveness and scalability of our risk-aware approach.
Software Requirements:
Core Java
Front End – JSP
Back End – MySQL Server
Windows XP
Hardware Requirements:
RAM : 512 Mb
Hard Disk : 80 Gb
Processor : Pentium IV
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