Red Eye Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters with Smart phones

Red Eye: Preventing Collisions Caused by Red-Light Running Scooters with Smart phones


In this paper, we present a scooter collision avoidance system that can identify red-light runners (RLRs) at intersections. When the RLR behavior is detected, the system would advise the RLR to slow down immediately and warn nearby vehicles on the intersecting road in real time. In particular, we do not consider infrastructure-based solutions such as those utilizing a radar or a camera. This is because, in addition to high implementation costs, collisions can be only avoided at intersections where such infrastructure configurations are deployed. Instead, we advance an on-scooter solution using smartphones carried by scooter riders. Smartphones provide a useful platform that has a high penetration rate, more than sufficient computational power, inertial sensors to reflect the driving behavior, and the communication capability to transmit or receive information from other vehicles. In our system, we utilize a support vector machine and design an RLR classifier for learning and predicting RLR behaviors. The evaluation results show that our system is able to achieve over 70% recognition rates when distinguishing between RLR and non-RLR cases, as compared with approximately 80% recognition rates of the infrastructure-based (and higher cost) solution using a laser range finder (LADAR).



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