A Query Formulation Language for the data web

A Query Formulation Language for the data web


We present a query formulation language called MashQL in order to easily query and fuse structured data on the web. The main novelty of MashQL is that it allows people with limited IT-skills to explore and query one or multiple data sources without prior knowledge about the schema, structure, vocabulary, or any technical details of these sources. More importantly, to be robust and cover most cases in practice, we do not assume that a data source should have -an offline or inline- schema. This poses several language-design and performance complexities that we fundamentally tackle. To illustrate the query formulation power of MashQL, and without loss of generality, we chose the Data Web scenario. We also chose querying RDF, as it is the most primitive data model; hence, MashQL can be similarly used for querying relational databases and XML. We present two implementations of MashQL, an online mashup editor, and a Firefox add-on. The former illustrates how MashQL can be used to query and mash up the Data Web as simple as filtering and piping web feeds; and the Firefox addon illustrates using the browser as a web composer rather than only a navigator. To end, we evaluate MashQL on querying two datasets, DBLP and DBPedia, and show that our indexing techniques allow instant user-interaction.




A query formulation language called MashQL is that it allows people with limited IT-skills to explore and query one or multiple data sources without prior knowledge about the schema, structure, vocabulary, or any technical details of these sources. We do not assume that a data source should have -an offline or inline- schema. This poses several language-design and performance complexities that we fundamentally tackle. The rapid growth of structured data on the Web has created a high demand for making this content more reusable and consumable.





This project helps the user to dynamically create the book and upload the web. Not only but also provide the preview from the user uploading books.



  1. It saves the time and the user spending cost.
  2. It is allow the user to dynamically create a new file through the web.
  3. We present two implementations of MashQL, an online mashup editor, and a Firefox add-on.







Hardware Requirements:


  • System :   Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
  • Hard Disk :   40 GB.
  • Floppy Drive :   44 Mb.
  • Monitor :   14’ Colour Monitor.
  • Mouse :   Optical Mouse.
  • Ram :   512 Mb.
  • Keyboard :   101 Keyboard.

Software Requirements:


  • Operating system :   Windows XP.
  • Coding Language : Net with C#
  • Data Base :   SQL Server 2005.



Mustafa Jarrar and Marios D. Dikaiakos, Member, IEEE Computer Society, “A Query Formulation Language for the Data Web” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON KNOWLEDGE AND DATA ENGINEERING, VOL. 24, NO. 5, MAY 2012.

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