Pareto-Depth for Multiple-Query Image Retrieval

Pareto-Depth for Multiple-Query Image Retrieval



Most content-based image retrieval systems consider either one single query, or multiple queries that include the same object or represent the same semantic information. In this paper, we consider the content-based image retrieval problem for multiple query images corresponding to different image semantics. We propose a novel multiple-query information retrieval algorithm that combines the Pareto front method with efficient manifold ranking. We show that our proposed algorithm outperforms state of the art multiple-query retrieval algorithms on real-world image databases. We attribute this performance improvement to concavity properties of the Pareto fronts, and prove a theoretical result that characterizes the asymptotic concavity of the fronts.



  • Many other multiple query retrieval algorithms are designed specifically for the single-semantic-multiple-query problem, and again tend to find images related to only one, or a few, of the queries.
  • Xu et al. introduced an algorithm called Efficient Manifold Ranking (EMR) which uses an anchor graph to do efficient manifold ranking that can be applied to large-scale datasets.
  • Sharifzadeh and Shahabi introduced Spatial Skyline Queries (SSQ) which is similar to the multiple-query retrieval problem. However, since EMR is not a metric (it doesn’t satisfy the triangle inequality), the relation between the first Pareto front and the convex hull of the queries, which is exploited by Sharifzadeh and Shahabi, does not hold in our setting.



  • Existing System algorithms are designed for the case that the queries represent the same semantics. In the multiple-query retrieval setting this case is not very interesting as it can easily be handled by other methods, including linear scalarization.
  • CBIR methods usually suffer from the “curse of dimensionality” and low computational efficiency when using high-dimensional features in large databases.
  • Existing systems with hashing has major drawback of optimization in order to obtain accurate hash functions is very time consuming.



  • In this paper, we propose a novel algorithm for multiple query image retrieval that combines the Pareto front method (PFM) with efficient manifold ranking (EMR).
  • The first step in our PFM algorithm is to issue each query individually and rank all samples in the database based on their dissimilarities to the query. Several methods for computing representations of images, like SIFT and HoG, have been proposed in the computer vision literature, and any of these can be used to compute the image dissimilarities.
  • Since it is very computationally intensive to compute the dissimilarities for every sample-query pair in large databases, we use a fast ranking algorithm called Efficient Manifold Ranking (EMR) to compute the ranking without the need to consider all sample-query pairs.
  • The next step in our PFM algorithm is to use the ranking produced by EMR to create Pareto points, which correspond to dissimilarities between a sample and every query. Sets of
  • Pareto-optimal points, called Pareto fronts, are then computed. The first Pareto front (depth one) is the set of non-dominated points, and it is often called the Skyline in the database community. The second Pareto front (depth two) is obtained by removing the first Pareto front, and finding the non-dominated points among the remaining samples. This procedure continues until the computed Pareto fronts contain enough samples to return to the user, or all samples are exhausted. The process of arranging the points into Pareto fronts is called non-dominated sorting.


  • In this paper we consider the more challenging problem of finding images that are relevant to multiple queries that represent different image semantics.
  • EMR can efficiently discover the underlying geometry of the given database and significantly reduces the computational time of traditional manifold ranking. Since EMR has been successfully applied to single query image retrieval, it is the natural ranking algorithm to consider for the multiple-query problem.
  • Our method also differs from SSQ and other Skyline research because we use multiple fronts to rank items instead of using only Skyline queries. We also address the problem of combining EMR with the Pareto front method for multiple queries associated with different concepts, resulting in non-convex Pareto fronts. To the best of our knowledge, this problem has not been widely researched.





  • System : Pentium IV 2.4 GHz.
  • Hard Disk : 40 GB.
  • Floppy Drive : 44 Mb.
  • Monitor : 15 VGA Colour.
  • Mouse :
  • Ram : 512 Mb.




  • Operating system : Windows XP/7.
  • Coding Language : MATLAB
  • Tool : MATLAB R2013A



Ko-Jen Hsiao, Jeff Calder, Member, IEEE, and Alfred O. Hero, III, Fellow, IEEE, “Pareto-Depth for Multiple-Query Image Retrieval”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON IMAGE PROCESSING, VOL. 24, NO. 2, FEBRUARY 2015.

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