Model Predictive Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Grid-tied Photovoltaic Applications Using a Z-Source Inverter

Model Predictive Based Maximum Power Point Tracking for Grid-tied Photovoltaic Applications Using a Z-Source Inverter Abstract: This paper presents a model predictive-based maximum power point tracking (MPPT) method for a photovoltaic energy harvesting system based on a single-stage grid-tied Z-source inverter. First, it provides a brief review of Z-source inverters, MPPT methods and model predictive control. […]

Electrified Automotive Power train Architecture Using Composite DC-DC Converters

Electrified Automotive Power train Architecture Using Composite DC-DC Converters  Abstract: In a hybrid or electric vehicle powertrain, a boost dc-dc converter enables reduction of the size of the electric machine and optimization of the battery system. Design of the powertrain boost converter is challenging because the converter must be rated at high peak power, while […]