Systematic Derivation Of A Family Of Output-Impedance Shaping Methods For Power Converters-A Case Study Using Fuel Cell- Battery-Powered Single-Phase Inverter System

Systematic Derivation of a Family of Output-Impedance Shaping Methods for Power Converters—A Case Study Using Fuel Cell-Battery-Powered Single-Phase Inverter System Abstract For power converters used in renewable energy systems, output-impedance design has become an important design consideration for minimizing the impacts of low-frequency harmonic current on the lifetime of ripple-sensitive energy sources such as fuel […]

Advances In High-Precision Amplifiers-The Extra L Opposed Current Converter

Advances in High-Precision Amplifiers—The Extra L Opposed Current Converter Abstract In existing half/full-bridge high-precision amplifiers, output distortion is present due to the required switch blanking time. The OCC topology does not require this blanking time but has a much higher total inductor volume compared to the half bridge. In this paper, a patented new topology […]