Low-Quantum Cost Circuit Constructions for Adder and Symmetric Boolean Functions
Low-Quantum Cost Circuit Constructions for Adder and Symmetric Boolean Functions
Quantum computing necessitates the design of circuits via reversible logic gates. Efficient reversible circuit can be constructed by achieving low ancilla count, reducing logical depth and lowering Quantum costs. Generalized Peres gates have recently been realized with very low Quantum Cost (QC) by utilizing Quantum rotation gates. This is utilized in recent literature for efficient reversible circuit constructions for symmetric Boolean functions. In this paper, we extend this line of construction further by demonstrating efficient realization of adder circuits. In particular, we revisit the adder construction of Vedral, Barenco and Eckert to show that improvement of gate count and QC is achievable by exploiting a construction based only on Peres gates. We also report improved constructions of symmetric Boolean functions by following an approach recently proposed in the context of Boolean function complexity analysis.
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