IOT base Smart Home Appliances by using Cloud Intelligent Tetris Switch
Industrial device control over IOT based WiFi Module
This paper presents a design and prototype implementation of new home automation system that uses Wi-Fi technology as a network infrastructure connecting its parts. The proposed system is better from the scalability and flexibility point of view than the commercially available home automation systems.
In Industry we have different types of loads at different locations. We can control all loads at a time from one place (control room) without connecting any physical wire between loads and control room, In this project we are using WI-FI module, AT89S52,TRAIC. In this project , wifi is being used by phone and the loads are operated with it.
In this project we should not connect AC loads directly to microcontroller since AC may entire into controller due to this our controller may be destroyed. To avoid such type of drawback we need some drivers. In this project we are using TRAIC as load controller (as a switch) so we need TRAIC drivers. We have so many Traic drivers one of them is MOC 3021 used as a Traic driver in between Microcontroller and AC loads
This project uses regulated 5v, 500mA power supply. 7805 and 7812 three terminal voltage regulators are used for voltage regulation. Bridge type full wave rectifier is used to rectify the ac output of secondary of 230/12v step down transformer.
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