Inventory And Invoice Management System




This project has been developed to generate the invoices and inventory reports for all sites of various services provided by Mythoi Agency and their associates.

This Software deals with maintaining the Inventory and Invoice details such as master entry details, Purchase details, sales details, and payroll, Bill preparation and generate the reports. This system is used to track and maintain the above details for any organization.

This Software will keep track of all the information’s and report it to the management of the company, so that it will be helpful in future to view the history of each items and their status. It is also helpful to know about the financial position of the company.

This Software will keep track the employee payroll information for any organization. The employee of the Organization can view the payroll status.

This Software will also maintain the vendor details and retailer details and employees work in that Organization details. This System will generate different reports for any Organization. Different Taxes and Discounts are maintained.

This Software will be used for “Computerizing the operations of the company”. This project provides software for the receipt and revenue management system. Also, used for maintaining a database of different services for new customers, retailers and vendors. The software is used for raising Invoice, updating received amount and generating the different types of report required for distributor transactions as per customers, retailers and vendors requirement respectively.




In this project, there are 7 modules. They are


  1. Entry Details
  2. Purchase Entry Details
  3. Sales Entry Details
  4. Bill Preparation
  5. Reports




Entry Details:

In this module, to get the basic inputs of IIM PLUS+.  It also made a transaction of purchases and sales. It also set the basic details and initial setup for the IIM Plus.


Purchase Entry:

Purchase Entry Module is designed to effectively reduce purchasing Costs and its streamline Quota and orders deliver process. It covers every business process from taking orders to making shipping products from monitoring critical assets to managing cash flow.


Sales Entry:

Sales Entry Module is designed to effectively reduce Selling Costs and its streamline Quota and order deliver process. It covers every business process from taking orders to making shipping products from monitoring critical assets to managing cash flow.



Bill Preparation:

This module is used to prepare the bill for it. This will calculate the total item amount should be sold and store it in the database.




          Purchase Reports:

To tracking the purchase details of individual items such as   daily, monthly & annually reports.

             Sales Reports:

To tracking the sales details of individual items such as daily,    monthly and annually reports

Item Reports:

To track the item details for the particular day i.e. for particular day how many items are have in that company.


Existing Method:


  1. More manual works
  2. not user friendly functions
  3. More table works created by user
  4. we can not make a many customer details in a signal user forms






Proposed System:



  1. More user friendly
  2. we can retrieve the details easily compare than exsting system







 Hardware requirement




RAM                                 :   512 Mb


HARD DISK DRIVE       :   80 GB


CD-ROM       DRIVE      :   Any Compatible 52x Drive


MOUSE                           : Optical Mouse with Scroll


KEYBOARD                   : Multimedia Keyboard


PORT                               : USB Port


software Requirements


FRONT END                :   ASP.NET with C#




BACK END                     :  SQL SERVER 2005


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