Hostel Mess Management



Hostel mess  management deals with the many functions of a hostel, namely: student details, Attendance details, mess expenditure, etc. the system also includes a few special features such as creating unique identities for each members so student details can be accessed easily. This system is designed in favor of the hostel management which helps them to save the records of the students about their rooms and other things. It helps them from the manual work from which it is very difficult to find the record of the students and the mess bills of the students, and the information of about the those ones who had left the hostel three years before.

We design this system on the request of the hostel management, through this they cannot require so efficient person to handle and calculate the things. This system automatically  send the mail or sms send to their  students gardien.that mail represents about the monthly student mess bill fees details  and their attendance information details etc..

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