High Performance Resource Allocation Strategies for Computational Economies
High Performance Resource Allocation
Strategies for Computational Economies
Kyle Chard, Member, IEEE, and Kris Bubendorfer, Member, IEEE
Abstract—Utility computing models have long been the focus of academic research, and with the recent success of commercial cloud
providers, computation and storage is finally being realized as the fifth utility. Computational economies are often proposed as an
efficient means of resource allocation, however adoption has been limited due to a lack of performance and high overheads. In this
paper, we address the performance limitations of existing economic allocation models by defining strategies to reduce the failure and
reallocation rate, increase occupancy and thereby increase the obtainable utilization of the system. The high-performance resource
utilization strategies presented can be used by market participants without requiring dramatic changes to the allocation protocol. The
strategies considered include overbooking, advanced reservation, just-in-time bidding, and using substitute providers for service
delivery. The proposed strategies have been implemented in a distributed metascheduler and evaluated with respect to Grid and cloud
deployments. Several diverse synthetic workloads have been used to quantity both the performance benefits and economic
implications of these strategies.
Index Terms—Economic resource allocation, utility computing, cloud computing, Grid computing
CLOUD computing has managed to achieve what was
once considered by many to be a pipe dream, that is, it
has successfully applied economic (utility) models to
commodify computation. Consumers can now outsource
computation, storage and other tasks to third party cloud
providers and pay only for the resources used. At present
the models employed are simplistic (generally posted
price), however there are moves toward more sophisticated
mechanisms, such as spot-pricing, and a global computation
market is a future possibility. A global computation market
could be realized by a high-performance federated architecture
that spans both Grid and cloud computing providers,
this type of architecture necessitates the use of
economic aware allocation mechanisms driven by the
underlying allocation requirements of cloud providers.
Computational economies have long been touted as a
means of allocating resources in both centralized and
decentralized computing systems [1]. Proponents of computational
economies generally cite allocation efficiency,
scalability, clear incentives, and well-understood mechanisms
as advantages. However, adoption of economies in
production systems has been limited due to criticisms
relating to, among other things, poor performance, high
latency, and high overheads.
Overheads are, in many ways, inherent in computational
economies, for example, in a competitive economy resources
are typically “reserved” bymparticipants for the duration of
a negotiation. In most cases, there are only n “winning”
participants, therefore all other m n reservations are
essentially wasted for the duration of that negotiation.
Moreover, there is an opportunity cost to reserving resources
during a negotiation, as they will not be available for other
negotiations that begin during the interval of the first
negotiation. This type of scenario is clearly evident in
auction or tender markets, however it can also be seen in
any negotiation in which parties are competing against one
another for the goods on offer. In any case, this wasteful
negotiation process is expensive in both time and cost and
therefore reduces the overall utilization of the system.
In this paper, we suggest the application of two general
principles to largely address these inefficiencies: first, avoid
commitment of resources, and second, avoid repeating
negotiation and allocation processes. We have distilled
these principles into five high-performance resource
utilization strategies, namely: overbooking, advanced reservation,
just-in-time (JIT) bidding, progressive contracts,
and using substitute providers to compensate for encouraging
oversubscription. These strategies can be employed
either through allocation protocols and/or by participants,
to increase resource occupancy and therefore optimize
overall utilization.
Each of the strategies is examined experimentally within
the context of a market-based cloud or Grid using the DRIVE
metascheduler [2]. Each strategy has been implemented in
DRIVE and is analyzed using synthetic workloads obtained
by sampling production Grid traces. The analysis presented
in this paper focuses on two distinct areas: first the strategies
are evaluated with respect to occupancy, allocation, and
system utilization to compare their value in a range of
economic and noneconomic scenarios. Second, due to the
economic motivation of this work, the strategies are
evaluated with respect to system and provider revenue to
. K. Chard is with the Computation Institute, University of Chicago and
Argonne National Laboratory, 5735 South Ellis Avenue, Chicago, IL
60637. E-mail: kyle@ci.uchicago.edu.
. K. Bubendorfer is with the School of Engineering and Computer
Science, Victoria University of Wellington, PO Box 600, Wellington
6140, New Zealand. E-mail: kris.bubendorfer@ecs.vuw.ac.nz.
Manuscript received 28 July 2011; revised 8 Feb. 2012; accepted 2 Mar. 2012;
published online 13 Mar. 2012.
Recommended for acceptance by O. Beaumont.
For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to:
tpds@computer.org, and reference IEEECS Log Number TPDS-2011-07-0500.
Digital Object Identifier no. 10.1109/TPDS.2012.102.
1045-9219/13/$31.00 2013 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society
determine the effect of economic policies on the strategies
themselves and also the effect of these strategies on revenue.
This paper is an extended version of our previous work
[3]. This paper extends the analysis of the proposed
strategies by analyzing system performance under a broader
range of conditions and examining the economic implications
of their use.
The earliest published computational market was the 1968
futures market [1] that enabled users to bid for compute time
on a shared departmental machine. Over time these marketbased
architectures have grown from distributed computational
economies, such as Spawn [4] and Enterprise [5], to
modern brokers, metaschedulers and distributed architectures
such as Nimrod/G [6], DRIVE and SORMA [7].
Looking forward, there is great research interest in the
creation of federated computing platforms encapsulating
different computation providers. DRIVE, the system used
for the experimental work in this paper, is one example of a
such a federated metascheduler and is designed around the
idea of “infrastructure free” secure cooperative markets.
Another prominent example is InterCloud [8] which features
a generic market model to match requests with providers
using different negotiation protocols (including auctions), in
which context, our strategies could largely be applied.
Another alternative approach is spot pricing [9], while this
approach is in some ways similar to an auction (users set a
max price), the fundamentals of operation are sufficiently
different that a different set of strategies would be needed.
Overbooking has been previously used in computational
domains as a way to increase utilization and profit [10],
[11]. In [10] overbooking is used to some extent to
compensate for “no shows” and poorly estimated task
duration. In [11], backfilling is combined with overbooking
to increase provider profit, where overbooking decisions
are based on SLA risk assessment generated from job
execution time distributions.
Globus Architecture for Reservation and Allocation
(GARA) [12] was one of the first projects to define a basic
advanced reservation architecture to support QoS reservations
over heterogeneous resources. Since this time many
other schedulers have evolved to support advanced
reservations, such as Catalina [13] and Sun Grid Engine
[14]. Reservation aware schedulers have been shown to
improve system utilization due to the additional flexibility
specified by some consumers, additionally these architectures
have realized different reservation aware scheduling
algorithms [15].
Various papers have looked at last minute bidding and
“sniping” in the context of open outcry online auctions [16],
[17]. Typical motivation for last minute bidding is to combat
“shill bidders” (fake bidders raising the price) and incremental
bidding (bidding in increments rather than bidding
ones true value or proxy bidding). JIT bidding for sealed
bid auctions was first proposed in our earlier work [18] as a
means of reducing the effect of auction latency in
distributed auctions, although at the time no experimental
work was undertaken.
The first use of second chance substitutions in a two phase
contract structure was also presented in [18] although in this
work the intention was to reduce coallocative failures. In our
present work, we have adapted and generalized this
mechanism to directly support overbooking to increase
resource utilization.
The general focus of prior work has been on economic
efficiency. In particular, existing systems using auctions
suffer from significant latency and consequently reduced
utilization. In addition, techniques such as advanced
reservation, have in general been approached from a
consumer’s perspective rather than concentrating on the
flexibility given to providers, an exception to this is our
previous work with Netto et al. in [15].
This paper, along with the original conference paper [3],
presents the first coordinated set of strategies to improve
the utilization of resources and negotiation latency when
using auctions for allocation. In addition, this paper further
extends this work by examining the implications of these
strategies on the underlying economic system.
The life cycle of economic negotiation presents a number of
opportunities to implement utilization improving policies
and strategies before, during, and after negotiation. In a
traditional auction, providers auction resources by soliciting
consumer’s bids, at the conclusion of the auction an
agreement is established to provide resources for the
winning price, when the agreement expires the resources
are returned. Reverse auctions switch the roles of provider
and consumer, therefore mapping more accurately to user
requested resource allocation (e.g., in a cloud). The life cycle
of a reverse auction in DRIVE is shown in Fig. 1. In a reverse
auction a consumer “auctions” a task (or job), providers
then bid for the right to provide the resources required to
host the task. The following high-performance strategies are
defined according to a reverse auction model, however they
could also be applied in a traditional auction model.
3.1 Preauction
3.1.1 Overbooking
There is potential for considerable latency in auction-based
resource allocation, from bidding to resource redemption,
Fig. 1. Reverse auction life cycle in DRIVE.
this latency greatly impacts utilization if resources are
reserved while waiting for the result of the auction. For
example, an auction generally has a single winner, and
multiple m losers. While the winner gains the eventual
contract, there is no such compensation for themlosers of the
auction process, and any resources r put aside during the
auction will decrease the net utilization of the system by mr.
From a providers perspective utilization and profit can be
increased by participating in auctions that could exceed
capacity in the knowledge that it is unlikely they will win all
auctions on which they bid. Knowledge of existing bids can
also be used in subsequent valuations, thus incorporating the
possibility of incurring penalties for breaking agreements.
Overbooking has been shown to provide substantial
utilization and profit advantages [10] due to “no shows”
(consumers not using the requested resources) and overestimated
task duration. While overbooking may seem risky
it is a common technique used in yield management and can
be seen in many commercial domains, most notably air
travel [19], [20] and bandwidth reservation [21]. Airlines
routinely overbook aircraft in an attempt to maximize
occupancy (and therefore revenue) by ensuring they have
the maximum number of passengers on a flight. Without
overbooking full flights often depart with up to 15 percent of
seats empty [19]. Overbooking policies are carefully created
and are generally based on historical data. Airlines acknowledge
the possibility of an unusually large proportion of
customers showing up, and include clauses in their contracts
(agreements) to “bump” passengers to later flights and
compensate passengers financially. Due to the widespread
adoption of overbooking techniques in commercial domains
there is substantial economic theory underpinning appropriate
strategy [22], [23].
3.2 During Auction
3.2.1 Just-in-Time Bidding
During negotiation it is possible that resource state may
change and therefore invalidate a providers valuation (or
bid). In general, there are two ways to minimize the effect
of latency:
. Reducing the duration of the auction. The problem
with this approach is that there is minimal time for
providers to discover the auction and to compute
their bids.
. Bid as late as possible. The advantage with this
approach is that providers can compute their bids
with the most up to date resource state and resources
are reserved for a shorter time. The primary problem
with this approach is time sensitivity, the auction can
be missed if the bid is too late or experiences
unexpected network delays.
In some environments, for example, the open outcry
protocols used in online auctions, JIT bidding is common
and has additional strategic advantages for combating shrill
bidding and incremental bidding. For sealed bid auctions,
JIT bidding traditionally has been seen to have no
advantages. However, this paper highlights the significant
utilization improvements that can be obtained by using JIT
bidding in a sealed bid resource auction.
3.2.2 Flexible Advanced Reservations
Advanced reservation support is commonly used in distributed
systems to provide performance predictability, meet
resource requirements, and provide quality of service (QoS)
guarantees [12], [24]. As Grid and cloud systems evolve the
task of planning job requirements is becoming more
complex, requiring fine grained coordination of interdependent
jobs in order to achieve larger goals. Often tasks require
particular resources to be available at certain times in order
to run efficiently. For example, a task may require temporary
data storage while executing and more permanent storage
after completion. Tasks may also require coordinated
execution due to dependencies between one another. In
addition to consumer advantages, providers also benefit by
being given flexibility in terms of task execution and
therefore they have the opportunity to use advanced
scheduling techniques to optimize resource usage. We
believe this increased flexibility can lead to substantial
performance improvements for providers.
3.3 Postauction
3.3.1 Two Phase Contracts
Auction latency may restrict providers participating in
future negotiations due to a lack of knowledge of the
outcome of ongoing or previous negotiations. There are two
general approaches to mitigate this issue, that is, providers
can reserve resources for the duration of the negotiation
immediately, or they can wait for the result of the allocation
before reservation. Neither situation is ideal—initial reservation
leads to underutilization as a negotiation typically has
one winner and multiple losers, while late reservation results
in contract violations as resource state may change between
negotiation and reservation. To minimize the effect of
latency we propose a progressive two phase contract
mechanism that reflects the various stages of negotiation.
The two phase contract structure is shown in Fig. 1. As
the result of an allocation a tentative agreement is created
between the user and winning provider(s) (phase 1), before
redemption this agreement must be hardened into a binding
agreement (or contract) that defines particular levels of
service to be delivered along with a set of rewards and
penalties for honoring or breaking the agreement (phase 2).
Typically, the tentative agreement is not strictly binding
and penalties for violations are not as harsh as for breaking
a binding contract. The motivation for this separation is
twofold, first it encourages providers to participate in
allocation in the knowledge they will not be penalized as
harshly for breaking the agreement at an earlier stage.
Second, it facilitates another layer of overbooking (at the
time of reservation) as described in Section 3.1.1.
3.3.2 Second Chance Substitute Providers
If a winning provider cannot meet their obligations at the
conclusion of an auction (due to overbooking), it is a waste
resources to reexecute the auction process when there is
sufficient capacity available from nonwinning providers. In
this case, the losing bidders can be given a second chance to
win the auction, by recomputing the auction without the
defaulting bidder. This technique can reduce the allocation
failures generated from overbooking and therefore increase
utilization of the system. One negative aspect of this
approach is the potential for increased consumer cost, as
the substitute price (SP) is, by definition, greater than the
previous winning price. However, this cost can be offset
through compensation provided by the violating party. Due
to the potential impact on auction protocols, all participants
must be aware of these semantics prior to the auction.
Distributed Resource Infrastructure for a Virtual Economy
(DRIVE) [2], [25] is a distributed economic metascheduler
designed to allocate workload in distributed and federated
computing environments. Allocation in DRIVE is abstracted
through an economic market which allows any economic
protocol to be used. DRIVE features a novel “co-op”
architecture, in which core metascheduling services are
hosted on participating resource providers as a condition of
joining the Virtual Organization (VO). This architecture
minimizes the need for dedicated infrastructure and
distributes management functionality across participants.
The co-op architecture is possible due to the deployment of
secure economic protocols which provide security guarantees
in untrusted environments [26].
In DRIVE, each resource provider is represented by a
DRIVE Agent that implements standard functionality
including; reservations, policies, valuation, and plug-ins
for the chosen economic protocol (e.g., bidding). DRIVE
Agents use policies and pricing functions to price goods.
The DRIVE marketplace includes a number of independent
services and mechanisms that provide common functionality
including resource discovery, allocation, security, VO
management, and contract (agreement) management.
DRIVE is designed to support flexible deployment scenarios,
it is therefore independent from a particular type of task
(e.g., service request, cloud VM or Grid job) in each phase of
the task life cycle (submission, allocation, and execution).
DRIVE implements the two phase contract model described
in Section 3.3.1. Each agreement defines rewards (and
penalties) for honoring (or breaching) the agreement. Each
provider also exposes a Reservation Service to plan resource
usage and track commitments made by the provider.
Reservation information is specified in advance through the
initial task description so that providers can take reservation
windows into consideration during the allocation phase.
Further detail about DRIVE is presented in the supplementary
material, which can be found on the Computer Society
Digital Library at http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/
The pricing functionsweuse in our experimental economy, as
given in Section 5.1, are primarily based upon local information
known by the provider and aim to incorporate the
perceived risk of a transaction. For example, the price may be
increased if a provider has little spare capacity. The penalties,
as given in Section 5.2, provide a formal way of categorizing
agreement breaches and punishing responsible parties.
5.1 Pricing Functions
All bid prices are determined based on a combination of
current conditions, projected conditions or previous bidder
experience. In the following equations, Punit is the price per
job unit and b denotes a bid in the specified range (b 2 ð0;BÞ).
Job units (JU) are defined as the product of CPU utilization
and duration (Junits ¼ Jutilization Jduration). The Random and
Constant pricing functions are baseline functions. The other
pricing functions attempt to simulate some aspect of a
dynamic supply and demand model, in these functions
prices are adjusted dynamically to reflect the projected
capacity or to factor in previous successes. More specifically:
. Random: the unit price is determined irrespective of
any other factors
Punit ¼ Randomð0;BÞ:
. Constant: the unit price is the same for every request
Punit ¼ c; c 2 ð0;BÞ:
. Available capacity: the unit price is calculated based
on projected provider capacity at the time when the
job would execute. Uprovider is the projected utilization
of the provider, Ujob is the utilization of the requested
job, and Cprovider is the total capacity of the provider
Punit ¼
Uprovider þ Ujob
. Win/loss ratio: the unit price is based on the previous
win/loss ratio seen by the individual provider. R is
the specified ratio,W is the number of wins since time
t0, and L is the number of losses since time t0
Punit ¼ ðRW LÞ
. Time based: the unit price is based on the time since
the provider last won an auction. The unit price
decrements every Tperiod seconds, Tlastwin is the time
since the last allocation. Tlastwin is set to 0 at time t0
Punit ¼ B
5.2 Penalty Functions
We classify the following penalty functions into two distinct
penalty types: Constant penalties are fixed penalties that are
statically defined irrespective of any other factors, whereas
Dynamic penalties are based on a nonstatic variable
designed to reflect the value of a violation. Dynamic
penalties are further classified to model the impact of a
violation: penalties are based on the relative size of the job
or the established price, whereas penalties attempt to
model the increased cost incurred by the consumer using a
ratio of the original and substitute prices. penalties are
only possible when second chance substitute providers are
used. Specifically, the different penalty functions are:
. Constant: a constant penalty defined statically irrespective
of the job requirements or bid price
Pdefaulter ¼ c; c 2 IR0:
. Job units: an penalty based on the requirements of
the job in units. Junits is the number of units in a job,
and c is a constant penalty per unit
Pdefaulter ¼ Junits c; c 2 IR0:
. Win price (WP): an penalty based on the winning
bid (pre-substitutes). Pricewin is the price to be paid
by the winning bidder:
Pdefaulter ¼ Pricewin:
. Substitute price: an penalty based on the substitute
bid. Pricesubstitute is the price to be paid by the
substitute winning bidder:
Pdefaulter ¼ Pricesubstitute:
. Bid difference (BD): a penalty defined as the
difference between the original win price and the
substitute price
Pdefaulter ¼ Pricesubstitute Pricewin:
. Bid difference/depth: a penalty that determines
the impact of an individual provider defaulting on a
contract. The impact is calculated as the difference
between original win price and substitute price
evaluated over all defaulters. In the first configuration
only a single penalty is applied to the original
winning provider, the second configuration imposes
a fraction of the penalty on each defaulting provider.
Depthsubstitute is the number of substitutes considered
Pdefaulter ¼
Pricesubstitute Pricewin
8i 2 D : Pi ¼
Pricesubstitute Pricewin
In general, there is a tradeoff between fairness and
complexity of penalty functions. For example, while a
constant penalty is easy to enforce and requires no computation
it is not fair in terms of which defaulters pay the penalty,
it also does not reflect the size or value of the job (both small
and large jobs are penalized equally). Application of
penalties to each defaulting party is arguably fairer, however
it is much more complicated to determine each defaulters
effect and to also apply the penalty to multiple parties.
In this section, each of the strategies is evaluated empirically
with respect to allocation occupancy, utilization, and economic
implications. We define occupancy as the number of
contracts satisfied (i.e., tasks allocated and completed) and
utilization as the amount of a host’s resource capacity that is
used (in the following experiments we consider CPU as the
only measure of capacity). Each strategy is evaluated under
different workload scenarios on a testbed deployment.
6.1 Synthetic Workloads
To evaluate the strategies defined in Section 3 we
developed several synthetic workloads that simulate
different workload conditions. Each synthetic workload is
derived from a production Grid trace obtained from
AuverGrid, a small sized Grid in the Enabling Grids for
E-science in Europe (EGEE) project which uses Large
hadron collider Computing Grid (LCG) middleware. It
has 475 computational nodes organized into five clusters
(each has 112, 84, 186, 38, 55 nodes). This trace was chosen
as it was the most complete trace available in the Grid
Workloads Archive [27]. While AuverGrid is a relatively
small scale Grid the model obtained from the workload can
be scaled up to be used in the analysis of these strategies.
The AuverGrid workload is characteristic of a traditional
batch workload model, in which jobs arrive infrequently and
are on average long running. Using the entire workload as a
basis for the following experiments is infeasible due to the
duration (1 year) and cumulative utilization (475 processors).
There are two ways to use this data: 1) a sample can be
taken over a fixed period of time to simulate a workload
characterized by long duration batch processing (Section
6.1.1), 2) a synthetic high-performance workload can
be generated to reflect a modern fine grained dynamic
workload by increasing the throughput while maintaining
the general workload model (Section 6.1.2). The dynamic
usage model is designed to more accurately represent
modern (interactive) usage of distributed systems as seen
in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) requests, workflows, and
smaller scale ad hoc personal use on commercial clouds.
These two interpretations of the data have been used to
generate workloads at either end of the perceived use case
spectrum. A summary of the different synthetic workload
characteristics is presented in Table 1.
Experiment Workload Characteristics
6.1.1 Batch Model
The batch workload is generated from a two day sample of the
complete AuverGrid trace. The two days chosen include the
busiest day (number of jobs) in the trace. This model
represents favorable auction conditions as the ratio of auction
latency to interarrival time is large. Job duration is on average
over 1 hour per job,and jobs use approximately 80 percent of a
single processor. Due to the nature of the trace this workload
represents large system requirements, the two day workload
peaks at 32,709 percent cumulative utilization which is
equivalent to 327 nodes completely utilized. Reducing the
sample size such that this workload can be hosted on our
20 machine testbed is impossible as the resulting number of
jobs would be minimal (approximately 600 jobs over
48 hours). Instead, experiments using the batch workload
utilize an increased testbed capacity by simulating “larger”
providers. In these experiments, a single provider node has
the equivalent of 15 processors, and the entire testbed has the
equivalent of 300 processors. Maximum individual provider
capacity is therefore 1,500 percent. The batch workload and
the capacity of the testbed is shown in Fig. 2.
6.1.2 Dynamic Model
Due to the mainstream adoption of cloud computing, usage
is evolving from a traditional batch model to a more dynamic
on demand model. Modern usage is therefore characterized
by extensible, short duration, ad hoc, and interactive usage.
This type of usage presents a potentially worst case scenario
for auction performance. To simulate this type of highperformance
dynamic model we have reduced the timebased
attributes of the workload by a factor of 1,000 (i.e., 1
second of real time is 1 millisecond of simulated time). By
reducing each parameter equally relativity between parameters
is maintained and therefore the distribution is not
effected. The performance analysis in this paper looks
specifically at the allocation performance without considering
the duration of the jobs. However, this reduction in time
effects the ratio of interarrival time to auction latency which
increases the effect of auction latency.
Three synthetic dynamic workloads have been created to
evaluate the proposed strategies under varying degrees of
load, the three workloads are summarized in Fig. 3 and
Table 1. The resulting workloads, low utilization, medium
utilization, and high utilization contain 2111, 4677, and
11,014 jobs, respectively, with each spread over almost
9 hours. The average job runtime for each model is
approximately 59 seconds with average job CPU utilization
of 93-94 percent. The workloads aim to represent increasing
overall utilization and are based on the utilization limit of
the testbed (20 nodes). The low utilization model has a peak
of 86.55 percent overall utilization which can be completely
hosted in the testbed. The medium model slightly exceeds
the capacity of the testbed with various points above the
available capacity. The high-utilization model greatly
exceeds the available capacity of the testbed with most
values well above 100 percent. The arrival rate of tasks also
increases with each workload as the number of jobs
increases over the same period of time. The maximum
arrival rate of the medium workload is similar to the
maximum arrival rate seen in the original trace, while the
arrival rate for the high-utilization workload greatly exceeds
the arrival rate of the original trace, with a maximum arrival
rate more than double the peak arrival rate seen in the
original trace. Each trace typifies the important characteristics
of the original trace by providing similar or greater
maximum throughput while maintaining the duration of
jobs relative to arrival time and one another.
6.2 Experimental Testbed
In these experiments, the testbed is configured with
20 virtualized providers distributed over a 10 machine Grid
(five Windows Vista, five Fedora Core) connected by a
gigabit Ethernet network. The machines each have Core 2
Duo 3.0 GHz processors with 4 GB of RAM.A single Auction
Manager and Contract Manager are run on one host, with
each allocated 1 GB of memory. The 20 providers each have
512 MB of memory allocated to the hosting container. Using
the dynamic workloads each provider is representative of a
single node (100 percent capacity). To satisfy the increased
requirements of the batch model providers are configured to
represent 15 nodes (1,500 percent) in the batch experiments.
6.3 Strategy Evaluation
The strategies presented in this section are evaluated with
respect to the number of auctions completed, contracts
created and overall system utilization. The strategies are
denoted: Overbidding (O), Second chance substitutes (S),
and flexible advanced Reservations (R). In addition a
Guaranteed (G) strategy is also implemented against which
we compare the other strategies. In the following experiments,
a sealed bid second price (Vickrey) protocol is used to
allocate tasks, each provider implements a random bidding
policy irrespective of job requirements or current capacity.
Contracts are accepted only if there is sufficient capacity
regardless of what was bid. In the following results, we run
each experiment three times and state the average result.
The different strategy combinations examined are designed
to isolate particular properties of the strategies and to
satisfy dependencies between strategies (e.g., second chance
Fig. 2. Cumulative utilization over time for the two day batch workload
sample. The dotted line indicates total system capacity. Fig. 3. Total system utilization of the three synthetic workload shown
using an Exponential Moving Average with 0.99 smoothing factor. The
dashed line indicates the total system capacity of our testbed.
providers are only valuable when providers overbid). The
major difference between these strategy combinations is
related to the options available when calculating a bid, and
what actions can be taken at the auction and contract stages of
. G: Providers bid based on expected utilization, that
is they never bid beyond their allotted capacity. As
bids are a guarantee, providers cannot reject a
resulting contract and therefore there are no opportunities
to use second chance substitute providers.
This combination does not support advanced reservation,
therefore tasks must be started immediately
following contract creation.
. O: Providers bid based on their actual utilization
(irrespective of any outstanding bids), as providers
can bid beyond capacity they may choose to accept
or reject contracts depending on capacity at the time
of contract creation. Second chance substitute providers
and advanced reservations are not available
in this configuration.
. S + O: Providers bid based on their actual utilization,
in addition to accepting and rejecting contracts,
losing providers may be substituted with a second
chance provider at the contract stage if the winning
provider does not have sufficient capacity.
. R+O: Providers bid based on projected utilization at
the time of job execution. This combination allows
providers to schedule (and reschedule) tasks according
to the defined reservation window, likewise
contracts can be accepted if there is sufficient
projected capacity during the reservation window
defined by the task. No second chance substitutes are
considered in this combination.
. R þ S þ O: Providers bid based on projected utilization
at the time of job execution. In the event that a
contract cannot be satisfied in the reservation window
(even after moving other tasks), a losing provider may
be substituted with a second chance provider.
In each experiment tasks from the workload trace are
submitted to DRIVE for allocation. For each task DRIVE
conducts a Vickrey auction allowing each provider to bid. At
the conclusion of the auction DRIVE determines the winner
and attempts to create a contract with the winning provider.
Throughout the process the Auction Manager logs information
about each auction (including bids and winners), the
Contract Manager logs information about contract creation
(including rejections and substitute providers), and DRIVE
Agents log information about their bids and their current
and projected utilization. This information is used to
produce the results discussed in this section. Task activity
is simulated by each provider based on the utilization
defined in the workload trace. Total system utilization is
calculated by adding together the (self-reported) utilization
for each provider in the system.
Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7 show an Exponential Moving Average
(EMA) of total system utilization for each of the experiments
on the dynamic (low, medium, and high) and batch workloads,
respectively. These figures are used to compare the
strategies against one another throughout this section.
Individual allocation results and system utilization for each
strategy and workload is also presented in Section 6.3.6.
6.3.1 Guaranteed Bidding Strategy
In the baseline configuration, providers implement a
guaranteed bidding strategy where every bid by a provider
is a guarantee that there will be sufficient capacity. It is
Fig. 4. Total system utilization (EMA) over time for the low workload.
Fig. 5. Total system utilization (EMA) over time for the med workload.
Fig. 6. Total system utilization (EMA) over time for the high workload.
Fig. 7. Total system utilization (EMA) over time for the two day batch
evident in each of the figures that the average and maximum
utilization is extremely low. In all workloads, the rejection
rate is substantial with only 34.41 percent (low), 26.75 percent
(med), 16.96 percent (high), and 47.69 percent (batch) of
tasks allocated. As expected these rejections occur during
auctioning and no contracts are rejected, as no provider
should ever bid outside its means. These results highlight
the issue with bidding only on auctions a provider can
guarantee to satisfy. A large number of tasks are rejected
even though there is sufficient available overall capacity.
The reason for this is the number of concurrent auctions
taking place and the latency between submitting a bid and
the auction concluding. In this testbed, using the dynamic
workloads, there is a 1
20 th chance of winning an auction
(when all providers bid), therefore for the duration of the
auction all providers have reserved their resources with only
a probability of 0.05 of actually winning. If the auction
latency is reduced or the frequency of tasks being submitted
is reduced, the number of tasks allocated and total utilization
would improve as bidders would have a clearer picture of
utilization when bidding on subsequent auctions.
6.3.2 Overbooking Strategy
In the high dynamic workload and the batch model, the
peak system utilization approaches the maximum available
capacity of the testbed when providers can bid beyond
capacity. The average utilization and percentage of tasks
allocated for all workloads is more than double that of the
guaranteed strategy which highlights the value of overbooking.
The allocation improvement exhibited in the batch
workload represents the single biggest gain of any strategy
and results in near optimal allocation and utilization. In
each workload, very few auctions fail (e.g., only 42/11,014 in
the high workload) as providers only reach close to
maximum capacity for a short period of time. However,
the main issue with overbooking is the number of auctions
completed that are then unable to be converted into
contracts, this approaches 60 percent of all tasks in the high
workload, 33 percent in the medium workload, 15 percent in
the low workload, and over 5 percent in the batch workload.
The number of contracts unable to be established directly
effects system performance as the auction and contract
negotiation processes are wasted.
6.3.3 Second Chance Substitutes and Overbooking
In the batch model, the use of substitutes reduces the
overbooking contract rejection rate by 80 percent and
increases overall allocation by 3.71 percent. In the dynamic
workloads, average utilization is improved from the overbooking
strategy by up to 26 percent (low—17 percent,
med—26 percent, high—20 percent) and overall task allocation
is increased to 99.94, 85.27, and 51.17 percent for the low,
medium, and high workloads, respectively. These results
show a large improvement from the previous strategies.
Interestingly the depth of substitute providers needed to be
consulted is less than 3 on average for each workload
indicating that there is ample reserve capacity in the system.
This shows that the computational overhead required to
fulfill substitution is low.
6.3.4 Reservations and Overbooking
In the AuverGrid workload trace, there is no explicit
execution windows, so in order to evaluate reservation
strategies and analyze the effect on allocation and
utilization we define an execution window for each task
as 50 percent of the task duration (sensitivity analysis is
presented in [3]). In this experiment providers implement a
simple First Come First Served scheduling policy. Each
provider again uses an overbooking strategy due to the
considerable utilization improvements seen over guaranteed
bidding. As the density of the workload increases the
improvement gained by using reservations is greater than
that of computing substitutes. The total allocation rates of
95.82 percent for the batch model, 90.32 percent for the low
workload, and 78.34 percent for the medium workload
represent lower allocation rate than that of using substitutes,
however in the dense high workload the improvement
exceeds the gains made using substitutes peaking at
55.75 percent of all tasks allocated.
6.3.5 Reservations, Substitutes, and Overbooking
The final configuration combines the use of reservations with
the ability to compute substitute providers and overbook
resources. This combination gives the best results for each of
the workloads, with 100 percent of low workload tasks
allocated, 98.38 percent of the medium workload allocated,
65.54 percent of high workload allocated, and 99.68 percent of
the batch workload allocated. In the low and medium
workload no auctions fail as providers are not fully utilized
for long periods of time. Only one contract is rejected in the
batch model and 75.67 contracts are rejected in the medium
workload due to short periods of fully utilized providers. As
the high workload consistently exceeds the capacity of the
testbed, 65 percent of tasks allocated represents a very high
degree of workload allocation, close to the maximum
obtainable allocation.
6.3.6 Summary
Table 2 summarizes the performance of the high utilization
strategies when applied to each of the workloads. The
baseline guaranteed strategy is characterized by a very low
allocation rate and poor average system utilization for each
workload. Overbidding provides the single greatest increase
in allocation and utilization across each workload,
however the increased contract rejection rate may be
viewed as pure overhead due to the wasted negotiation
process. The use of second chance substitute providers
greatly increases the overall allocation rate on the dynamic
workloads by up to 27 percent therefore reducing allocation
overhead and improving utilization.
The additional flexibility obtained when using reservations
is advantageous to providers, especially in the most
dense high workload. In fact, in the high workload the
increased allocation rate obtained through reservations
(31 percent) outperforms that of the substitute strategy
(20 percent). However, it is unclear how many real-world
tasks have the flexibility to be executed within a time
window. Finally, the use of all four strategies simultaneously
provides the highest allocation rate (100, 98.38, 65.54, 99.68
percent) and system utilization (17.72, 39.34, 68.91, 70.19
percent) over the testbed (for the low, medium, high, and
batch workloads, respectively). This equates to substantial
allocation improvement over a guaranteed approach of
190.64, 267.81, 286.44, and 109.03 percent for each of the
workloads considered.
The improvements gained in the batch model are less
dramatic for a number of reasons including: increased
provider capacity, utilization characteristics of the workload,
and decreased auction latency. The increased provider
capacity significantly alters the allocation model from that
used in the dynamic workloads. In this model, each provider
effectively has 15 times the capacity, this increased capacity
masks the limitations of overbidding as providers can win
multiple simultaneous auctions without rejecting any agreements.
In addition, the maximum system requirements of the
workload only marginally exceed the capacity of the testbed
resulting in a very high achievable allocation rate. The
allocation rates for each strategy on the batch model are
therefore similar to the low-utilization dynamic workload.
The results presented in this section demonstrate the
value of employing such strategies to increase occupancy
and utilization, the benefits are applicable to both consumers
and providers using either batch or dynamic usage models.
6.3.7 Just-in-Time Bidding
JIT bidding is proposed as a means of reducing the effect of
auction latency. The increased allocation rate due to JIT
bidding are shown in Figs. 8 and 9 for the medium and high
utilization workloads, respectively. The low utilization
workload and batch model are not shown as the allocation
rate is near optimal using the other strategies. For both the
medium and high workload the number of tasks allocated
increases by approximately 10 percent for each strategy up
until a point of saturation—at which time not all bids are
received before the auction closes. The two strategies
employing second chance substitutes in both workloads do
not exhibit as much of an improvement, as auctions will not
fail as long as alternative substitutes are available. Table 3
shows the average number of substitutes considered for each
strategy as JIT bidding gets closer to the auction close.
Although the utilization improvements are smaller for the
second chance strategies, the number of substitutes considered
decreases as bidding occurs closer to the auction
close. This is an additional benefit as it reduces the overhead
required to compute substitute providers.
6.4 Economic Analysis
This section evaluates the implications of the high utilization
strategies on provider revenue and also the impact of
economic policies on the high utilization strategies themselves.
The following experiments are conducted on the
same virtualized testbed described in Section 6.2. In each
Summary of Allocation Rate and System Utilization for Each High Utilization Strategy and Workload
Fig. 8. JIT bidding for the medium workload. Fig. 9. JIT bidding for the high workload.
experiment providers bid using the nonuniform pricing and
penalty models described in Section 5. Bids are based on the
requirements of a job (in units), where the price per unit is
calculated (0 to 20). In this section, results are presented for
the medium and high workloads only, details of the low
and batch workloads are presented in [28].
6.4.1 Allocation
Fig. 10 shows the allocation rate when different pricing
functions are used under each utilization strategy. The
guaranteed (G) strategy results in near identical utilization
across all pricing functions because every bid is a guarantee
and therefore the bid value is inconsequential. The
substitute methods (S þ O and R þ S þ O) also produce near
equal allocation independent of the pricing function used,
this is because substitute methods are not bid sensitive—
assuming there is sufficient available capacity rejected
contracts can be substituted by a different provider at an
increased cost. This highlights an additional advantage of
using substitute strategies in an economic market.
The more risk averse pricing functions, Time and Win/
Loss, produce lower allocation for the nonsubstitute strategies
(O and R þ O). This is primarily due to the way in which
providers compute bids, increased contract rejection without
substitutes, and the fact that all bidders employ the same
strategy. Using these pricing functions, providers compute
bids based on previous events, therefore a providers bid
cannot increase until they win a new auction. As a result,
from the time a bidder becomes the lowest bidder until they
win another auction their bid will remain the lowest. During
this time if multiple auctions are held there will be
considerable failure.
Available capacity pricing also leads to slightly lower
allocation rates when using reservations (R þ O) on both
workloads, this is because the calculation of utilization does
not include queued reservations. Therefore, the bid price is
reflective of currently running tasks only, in the situation
where a larger task is queued the bid price will be artificially
low. The constant pricing functions produce the same
allocation rate as the other functions due to the random
order in which auctions are advertised and ties are resolved.
6.4.2 Revenue
Provider revenue for each strategy and pricing function is
shown in Fig. 11. As expected, revenue is closely related to the
allocation rate presented in Fig. 10. The use of overbooking
and substitute strategies (S þ O and R þ S þ O) provides
significant additional revenue over the guaranteed strategy
for each pricing function considered, this increase is in line
with the increased allocation rate. Interestingly the strategies
without substitutes (O and R þ O) exhibit lower revenue
for the time-based pricing functions. This is due both to lower
allocation rate and also the follow on effect from the poor
Average Number of Second Chance Substitute Providers
Considered at Different JIT Deadlines
Fig. 10. Number of tasks allocated for each of the pricing functions and
strategies considered.
Fig. 11. Provider revenue for each of the pricing functions and strategies
allocation rate—prices are kept artificially low as providers
continue to lower prices over time.
6.4.3 Penalty Revenue
This section presents the revenue generated, for each
strategy, when different penalty functions are applied.
Results are only shown for two strategies (O and R þ S þ O)
on the medium and high workloads. Complete analysis of the
other strategies can be found in [28].
The penalty functions are denoted: Constant 200 (C200),
Job Units (JU), Win Price (WP), Substitute Price (SP), Bid
Difference (BD), Bid Difference/Depth 1 (BDD1). It should
be noted Bid Difference/Depth 2 (BDD2) is not shown as
the overall system impact is equivalent to BD, the difference
in these penalty functions is only noticeable when analyzing
revenue for individual providers (shown in [28]). A No
Penalty (NP) function is included for comparison to show
the total revenue generated when no penalties are enforced.
The following figures show total revenue generated across
all providers when each penalty function is applied.
Positive revenue indicates a profit to the provider whereas
negative revenue indicates a loss.
Overbooking. Fig. 12 shows the total revenue generated
when providers employ only an overbooking strategy. For
both workloads the system operates at a loss when including
penalties for Time and Win/Loss(10:1) pricing functions,
this is due both to the decreased allocation rate and low
revenue outlined in the previous sections. The penalties
imposed are significant as a large number of contracts are
rejected by providers (e.g., 7,000 contracts are rejected using
the Time(5) pricing function on the high workload).
In most cases, the revenue generated with penalties
increases with the increase in revenue without penalties
(NP). However, this is not the case for the WP penalty. In
the high workload, WP penalties results in a significant loss
for all pricing functions, this is reflective of the increased
winning bid price of the different pricing functions. These
results demonstrate that the combination of an inflexible
pricing function and a naive overbooking strategy can
result in substantial loss for providers. Plain overbooking
strategies are therefore considered economically risky.
Overbooking and second chance substitutes. The use of
second chance substitutes is proposed as a means of reducing
the impact of contract violations on allocation rate caused by
overbooking. From an economic standpoint this same
approach can be used to minimize the penalties imposed.
When supporting second chance substitute providers there
are two different types of penalties that can be enforced:
1) contracts are rejected and are unable to be satisfied by a
substitute provider, 2) contracts are rejected and then
allocated to a substitute provider. The following analysis is
designed to examine the second case when using substitute
providers. Therefore, in the following results no penalty is
applied if contracts are rejected without the ability to
substitute the winner, this provides a basis to accurately
compare the different penalty functions. When examining
the revenue generated it should be noted that in reality
additional penalties would be applied, however these would
be constant across all penalty functions. These penalties
would also be considerably less than the other strategies as
the contract rejection rate is significantly lower (Table 2).
The total revenue with penalties using a substitute
strategy is shown in Fig. 13. This figure shows that the
penalty functions vary in their sensitivity to different pricing
functions. For most pricing functions there is little difference
between win price and substitute price penalties, which
implies there is little bid variance between providers.
However, in both workloads the Time and Random pricing
Fig. 12. Provider revenue using O for different pricing and penalty
Fig. 13. Provider revenue using R + S + O for different pricing and
penalty functions.
functions generate higher revenue using Win Price penalties
rather than Substitute Price penalties, indicating a large
spread between valuations. This difference is also reflected
in the revenue drop due to BD penalties.
The utility model employed by commercial cloud providers
has remotivated the need for efficient and responsive
economic resource allocation in high-performance computing
environments. While economic resource allocation
provides a well studied and efficient means of scalable
decentralized allocation it has been stereotyped as a lowperformance
solution due to the resource commitment
overhead and latency in the allocation process. The high
utilization strategies proposed in this paper are designed to
minimize the impact of these factors to increase occupancy
and improve system utilization.
The high utilization strategies have each been implemented
in the DRIVE metascheduler and evaluated using a
series of batch and interactive workloads designed to model
different scenarios, including multiple high throughput,
short job duration workloads in which auction mechanisms
typically perform poorly. The individual strategies, and the
combination of the different strategies, was shown to
dramatically improve occupancy and utilization in a highperformance
situation. The increase in allocation rate was
shown to be up to 286 percent for the dynamic workloads
and 109 percent for the batch model.
In addition to occupancy and utilization improvements
these strategies also provide advantages under differing
economic conditions. For example, the use of substitute
providers was shown to be more price agnostic than other
strategies due to the decreased allocation rate when a linear
bidding strategy is used. Provider revenue also increased
with the use of the proposed strategies, in part due to the
increased allocation rate obtained. Finally, the effect of
penaltiesontotal revenuewasshownto be heavily dependent
on the penalty function used. The bid difference penalty,
which represents the impact of the contract breach, resulted in
only a small loss of total revenue across all providers. These
results highlight that while these strategies can dramatically
improve allocation performance, participants must fully
consider the negative effects of the strategy used and
associated penalty functions in order to optimize revenue.
The AuverGrid traces were kindly provided by the Auver-
Grid team (special thanks to Dr. Emmanuel Medernach), the
owners of the AuverGrid system.
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Kyle Chard received the BSc (Hons.) degree in
computer science, the BSc degree in mathematics
and electronics, and the PhD degree in
computer science from Victoria University of
Wellington in 2011. He is a senior researcher at
the Computation Institute, University of Chicago
and Argonne National Laboratory. His research
interests include distributed meta-scheduling,
Grid and cloud computing, economic resource
allocation, social computing, services computing,
and medical natural language processing. He is a member of the IEEE.
Kris Bubendorfer received the PhD degree, on
mobile agent middleware, in computer science
from the Victoria University of Wellington in
2002. He is the program director for Networking
Engineering and senior lecturer in the school of
Engineering and Computer Science at Victoria
University of Wellington. His research interests
include market oriented utility computing, social
computing, digital provenance, and reputation.
He is a member of the IEEE.
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