Exam Hall Location SMS Alert System using Android

Exam hall location sms alert system using android


Exam hall location sms alert system using android is software which is helpful for students as well as the college authorities. In the current system all the activities are done manually. It is very time consuming and costly. Our Exam hall location sms alert system using android deals with the various seat arrangement activities during the exam days. A smart phone based application using Android can be used to make this process easier, secure and less error prone.So we intend to implement Exam hall location sms alert system project as android based.

Android is the first complete, open and free mobile platform. It is developed by the Open Handset Alliance, a group of more than 30 technology and mobile companies. It is supported by Google and this project uses a Google Android Mobile SDK 1.0 for testing an application. Modern hand held devices such smart phones and PDAs have become increasingly powerful in recent years. Most cell phone regularly includes Cameras, Processors comparable to PCs from only a few years ago.


The main objective of the”Exam hall location sms alert system using android”is manipulating the hall and seat arrangement during the examination periods. In this application software, admin will add the student details like department, section, academic performance details and exam hall and seat arrangement details for that particular student into the database. Few hours before the examination, hall and seat arrangement alert message is automatically send to the student’s smart phone.




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