Driverless Intelligent Vehicle for Future Public Transport Based On GPS
Driverless Intelligent Vehicle for Future Public Transport Based On GPS
This paper proposes a Driverless Intelligent Vehicle that has an onboard GPS equipped autopilot system, which is capable of driving the vehicle from one point to another without human operator and also with a theft control system for an automobile, which is being used to prevent/control the theft of a vehicle. The developed system makes use of an embedded system based on GSM technology. The designed and developed system is installed in the vehicle. An interfacing mobile is also connected to the microcontroller, which is in turn, connected to the engine. Once, the vehicle is being stolen, alert SMS will be sent to the vehicle owner for further processing. By reading the SMS received by the mobile, one can control the ignition of the engine; say to lock it or to stop the engine immediately. Again it will come to the normal condition only after entering a secured password. The owner of the vehicle and the central processing system only know this secured password. When the vehicle is stolen, owner of vehicle may stop the vehicle by just sending a SMS “OFF” to the GSM modem and with the help of SIM tracking knows the location of vehicle and informs to the local police or stops it from further movement.
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