Category: VLSI

Design and Implementation of Field Programmable Gate Array Based Error Tolerant Adder for Image Processing Application

Design and Implementation of Field Programmable Gate Array Based Error Tolerant Adder for Image Processing Application Abstract: In the era of low power, high performance digital systems are needed to boost up the technology revolution in nano-electronics. Realization of new digital logic is essential for making revolutionary changes in low power and high speed performance. […]

Design and Implementation of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Using Modified NovelBit Adder in QCA

Design and Implementation of Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) using Modified Novel Bit Adder in QCA Abstract: Moore’s law states that the number of transistors that could be integrated into a single die would grow exponentially with time. Thus this causes increasing computational complexity of the chip and physical limitations of devices such as power consumption, interconnect will […]