Category: .Net

Efficiently Promoting Product Online Outcome An Iterative Rating Attack Utilizing Product and Market Property

Efficiently Promoting Product Online Outcome: An Iterative Rating Attack Utilizing Product and Market Property (IEEE 2017 – 2018) Abstract: The prosperity of online rating system makes it a popular place for malicious vendors to mislead public’s online decisions, whereas the security related studies are lagging behind. In this paper, we develop a quantile regression model […]

Person Identification by Keystroke Dynamics Using Pairwise User Coupling

Person Identification by Keystroke Dynamics Using Pairwise User Coupling (IEEE 2017 – 2018) Abstract: Due to the increasing vulnerabilities in cyberspace, security alone is not enough to prevent a breach, but cyber forensics or cyber intelligence is also required to prevent future attacks or to identify the potential attacker. The unobtrusive and covert nature of […]