Category: MATLAB

Static and Dynamic Hand Gesture Recognition in Depth Data Using Dynamic Time

Statistical Hypothesis Detector for Abnormal Event Detection in Crowded Abstract Abnormal event detection is now a challenging task, especially for crowded scenes. Many existing methods learn a normal event model in the training phase, and events which cannot be well represented are treated as abnormalities. However, they fail to make use of abnormal event patterns, which are elements to comprise abnormal events. Moreover, normal patterns in testing videos may […]

Visual-Attention Based background Modelling for Detecting Infrequently Moving Objects

Visual-Attention Based background Modelling for Detecting Infrequently Moving Objects Abstract Motion is one of the most important cues to sep- arate foreground objects from background in a video. Using a stationary camera, it is usually assumed that the background is static while the foregroundobjects are moving most of the time. However, in practice, the foreground objects may show infrequent motions, such as abandoned objects and sleeping persons. Meanwhile, […]