Category: Java

Mining User-Aware Rare Sequential Topic Patterns in Document Streams

Mining User-Aware Rare Sequential Topic Patterns in Document Streams Abstract Textual documents created and distributed on the Internet are ever changing in various forms. Most of existing works are devoted to topic modeling and the evolution of individual topics, while sequentialrelations of topics in successive documents published by a specific user are ignored. In this paper, in order to characterize and detect personalized and abnormal behaviors of […]

Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control Mechanism for Relational Data

Accuracy-Constrained Privacy-Preserving Access Control  Mechanism for Relational Data Access control mechanisms protect sensitive information from unauthorized users. However, when sensitive information is shared and a Privacy Protection Mechanism (PPM) is not in place, an authorized user can still compromise the privacy of a person leading to identity disclosure. A PPM can use suppression and generalization of relational data to anonymize and satisfy privacy requirements, e.g., k-anonymity and l-diversity, against […]