Category: Java

A Superprocess With Upper Confidence Bounds for Cooperative Spectrum Sharing

A Superprocess With Upper Confidence Bounds for Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Abstract Cooperative Spectrum Sharing (CSS) is an appealing approach for primary users (PUs) to sharespectrum with secondary users (SUs) because it increases the transmission range or rate of the PUs. Most previous works are focused on developing complex algorithms which may not be fast enough for real-time variations such as […]

Unlicensed Spectra Fusion and Interference Coordination for LTE Systems

Unlicensed Spectra Fusion and Interference Coordination for LTE Systems Abstract Unlicensed spectra fusion technology for LTE holds the promise of alleviating the licensed spectrascarcity and enhancing capacity. It allows LTE to effectively utilize the unlicensed spectra distributed over high frequency bands with significant different propagation characteristics from its licensedspectra. However, the interference caused by other systems over unlicensed spectra, particularly the public unlicensed spectra, is viewed as the most serious challenge. In this paper, […]