Category: Java

Neighbor Similarity Trust against Sybil Attack in P2P E-Commerce

Neighbor Similarity Trust against Sybil Attack in P2P E-Commerce Abstract: Peer to peer (P2P) e-commerce applications exist at the edge of the Internet with vulnerabilities to passive and active attacks. These attacks have pushed away potential business firms and individuals whose aim is to get the best benefit in e-commerce with minimal losses. The attacks […]

Statistical Dissemination Control in Large Machine-to-Machine Communication Networks

Statistical Dissemination Control in Large Machine-to-Machine Communication Networks Abstract: Cloud based machine-to-machine (M2M) communications have emerged to achieve ubiquitous and autonomous data transportation for future daily life in the cyber-physical world. In light of the need of network characterizations, we analyze the connected M2M network in the machine swarm of geometric random graph topology, including […]