Category: IOT

Petrochemical Level Indicator and Controller for Automation of cotton purification process in spinning mills with IoT monitoring

Petrochemical Level Indicator and Controller For automation of cotton purification process in spinning mills with IOT Technical specifications   Project title                              :           Petrochemical level indicator and controller for automation of cotton purification process in spinning mills with IOT Domain                                   :           Embedded Systems Design Software                                  :           Embedded C, Keil, Proload   Microcontroller                       :           AT89S52 Power Supply                          […]

Patient health monitoring (heart beat and body temperature) with doctor alert reporting over internet of things

Patient Health Monitoring (Heart Beat And Body Temperature) With Doctor Alert Reporting Over Internet Of Things Abstract: With the proliferation of Internet of Things (IoT) devices such as smartphones, sensors, cameras. It is possible to collect massive amount of data for localization and tracking of Health of the patient. This project describes the design of […]