Category: IEEE 2017

Improving Loading and Unloading Transient Response of a Voltage Regulator Module Using a Load-Side Auxiliary Gyrator Circuit

Improving Loading and Unloading Transient Response of a Voltage Regulator Module Using a Load-Side Auxiliary Gyrator Circuit Abstract: This paper introduces a new voltage regulator module (VRM) that merges a highly efficient switchedinductor converter as the main unit with a load-side switched-capacitor based converter to assist during load transient events. The resulting hybrid-VRM exhibits improved […]

Accurate Capacitive Current Balancing in Multi string LED Lighting Systems Based on Switched-Capacitor-Controlled LCC Resonant Network

Accurate Capacitive Current Balancing in Multistring LED Lighting Systems Based on Switched-Capacitor-Controlled LCC Resonant Network Abstract The combination of high-frequency AC drive and capacitors offers an attractive passive current balancing solution for multistring LED lighting systems due to the advantages of compactness, high efficiency and ease of modularity. Given that frequency-controlled resonant converters are commonly […]