Category: IEEE 2017

Dealing With Concept Drifts in Process Mining

Dealing With Concept Drifts in Process Mining Although most business processes change over time, contemporary process mining techniques tend to analyze these processes as if they are in a steady state. Processes may change suddenly or gradually. The drift may be periodic (e.g., because of seasonal influences) or one-of-a-kind (e.g., the effects of new legislation). For the process management, it is crucial to discover and understand suchconcept drifts in processes. This […]

A Zigbee-Based Animal Health MonitoringSystem Using Atmega Microcontroller

A Zigbee-Based Animal Health Monitoring System Abstract: An animal health monitoring system for monitoring the physiological parameters, such as rumination, body temperature, and heart rate with surrounding temperature and humidity, has been developed. The developed system can also analyze the stress level corresponding to thermal humidity index. The IEEE802.15.4 and IEEE1451.2 standards-based sensor module has […]