Category: IEEE 2017

A Portable Fall Detection And Alerting System Based On K-Nn Algorithm And Remote Medicine

A portable fall detection and alerting system based on k-NN algorithm and remote medicine Abstract: This paper presents information on a portable fall detection and alerting system mainly consisting of a custom vest and a mobile smart phone. A wearable motion detection sensor integrated with tri-axial accelerometer, gyroscope and Bluetooth is built into a custom […]

A Self-Powering Wireless Environment Monitoring System Using Soil Energy

A Self-Powering Wireless Environment Monitoring System Using Soil Energy Abstract: This paper presents a self-powering wireless environment monitoring system using renewable and cost-efficient soil energy. The D-size (55.8 cm3) soil energy cell with carbon and zinc electrodes can produce ~60-100 μW, depending on the water contents and microbial reactions in the soil. The RC circuit […]