Category: IEEE 2017

Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module

Automated Irrigation System Using a Wireless Sensor Network and GPRS Module Abstract: An automated irrigation system was developed to optimize water use for agricultural crops. The system has a distributed wireless network of soil-moisture and temperature sensors placed in the root zone of the plants. In addition, a gateway unit handles sensor information, triggers actuators, […]

Networked Illumination Control with Distributed Light-Harvesting Wireless Sensors

Networked Illumination Control With Distributed Light-Harvesting Wireless Sensors Abstract: We consider networked control of luminaires to adapt illumination in an indoor environment to occupancy and daylight based on distributed light-harvesting wireless sensing modules. Each light-harvesting wireless sensing module consists of an occupancy sensor, a light sensor, a wireless radio, a microcontroller unit, and a photovoltaic […]