Category: IEEE 2017

PACK Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction System

PACK: Prediction-Based Cloud Bandwidth and Cost Reduction  System In this paper, we present PACK (Predictive ACKs), a novel end-to-end traffic redundancy elimination (TRE) system, designed for cloud computing customers. Cloud-based TRE needs to apply a judicious use of cloud resources so that the bandwidth cost reduction combined with the additional cost of TRE computation and storage would be optimized. PACK’s main advantage is its capability of offloading thecloud-server TRE effort to […]

An Efficient Geometric feature based License Plate Localization and Stop Line Violation Detection System

An Efficient Geometric feature based License Plate Localization and Stop Line Violation Detection System  Abstract   Stop line violation causes in myanmar when the back wheel of the car either passed over or reach at the stop line when the red light changes. the objective of this work is to design and implement algorithms for stop […]