Category: IEEE 2017

LED and CMOS Image Sensor Based Optical Wireless Communication System for Automotive Applications

LED and CMOS Image Sensor Based Optical Wireless Communication System for Automotive Applications Abstract: An optical wireless communication (OWC) system based on a light-emitting-diode (LED) transmitter and a camera receiver has been developed for use in the automotive area. The automotive OWC system will require Mb/s-class data rates and the ability to quickly detect LEDs […]

Online Monitoring of Green House Gas Leakage in Industries

Online Monitoring of Green House Gas Leakage in Industries  Abstract In recent years, there are so many industries emitting the green house gases (GHG) which affect the human beings. The most harmful gases among all of them are CO2, methane gas, NO2, etc. So it is necessary to monitor these gases that leaks from industries through […]