Category: IEEE 2017

The Client Assignment Problem for Continuous Distributed Interactive Applications

The Client Assignment Problem for Continuous Distributed  Interactive Applications: Analysis, Algorithms, and Evaluation Interactivity is a primary performance measure for distributed interactive applications (DIAs) that enable participants at different locations to interact with each other in real time. Wide geographical spreads of participants in large-scale DIAs necessitate distributed deployment of servers to improve interactivity. In a distributed server architecture, the interactivity performance depends […]

SOS A Distributed Mobile Q&A System Based on Social Networks

SOS: A Distributed Mobile Q&A System Based on Social Networks Recently, emerging research efforts have been focused on question and answer (Q\\\&;amp; A)systems based on social networks. The social-based Q\\\&;amp; A systems can answer non-factual questions, which cannot be easily resolved by web search engines. These systems either rely on a centralized server for identifying friends based on social information or broadcast a user’s questions to all of its […]