Category: IEEE 2017

Hybrid Transformer ZVSZCS DC-DC Converter With Optimized Magnetics and Improved Power Devices Utilization for Photovoltaic Module Applications

Hybrid Transformer ZVS/ZCS DC–DC Converter With Optimized Magnetics and Improved Power Devices Utilization for Photovoltaic Module Applications Abstract: This paper presents a nonisolated, high boost ratio dc-dc converter with the application for photovoltaic (PV) modules. The proposed converter utilizes a hybrid transformer to incorporate the resonant operation mode into a traditional high boost ratio active-clamp […]

Optimal sizing design and energy management of stand-alone photovoltaicwind generator systems

A Novel High Step-up DC/DC Converter Based on Integrating Coupled Inductor and Switched-Capacitor Techniques for Renewable Energy Applications Abstract: In this paper, a novel high step-up dc/dc converter is presented for renewable energy applications. The suggested structure consists of a coupled inductor and two voltage multiplier cells, in order to obtain high step-up voltage gain. […]